No Way Home Writer Reveals Deleted Poison Scenes

Somewhere in the vast multiverse, there is a more toxic version of Spider-Man: There is no room for home. In the film’s mid-credits scene, a drunken Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) disappears from the Marvel Cinematic Universe after magically teleporting there in the last moments of… Poison: Let there be a massacre. According to Chris McKenna, who co-wrote There is no place for home With Erik Sommers, the book weighed versions as Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch)’s unruly spell pulled Eddie/Venom from the Sony Spider-Man Universe earlier in the movie. In one idea, Venom is present in the final battle involving the three Spider-Men and multi-world villains Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe), Electro (Jamie Foxx) and Lizard (Rhys Ifans).

McKenna said, “So Eddie Brock got into the MCU but never came out of the bar. But there were versions where he appeared earlier.” empire. We were trying to get him to appear at the Statue of Liberty [for the final fight]And we were fiddling with getting him stuck in the Lincoln Tunnel.”

When Doctor Strange attempts to solve Peter Parker’s (Tom Holland) identity crisis, the spell brings villains like Doctor Octopus (Alfred Molina) and Sandman (Thomas Haden Church) from Aya Remy to the MCU. The book revealed earlier that America Chavez (Zochitel Gomez), who will appear for the first time in Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madnessPeter Parker #2 (Tobey Maguire) and Peter Parker #3 (Andrew Garfield) were supposed to attend but they are cut from the script.

Eddie inadvertently left a piece of symbiote behind when he was brought back into Sony’s Spider-Man universe, which Summers said in a separate interview “leaves the door open to possibilities. Unlike just seeing him come back and not seeing any symbiotic symbol. It just allows for some exciting possibilities in the future.” .”

McKenna added about a possible future crossover between Hardy’s Venom and Holland’s Spider-Man, “I have no idea. That’s higher than our salary. We’re part of a bigger and bigger world we’re not gods, we’re just mortals in it. I thought it was a fun idea that Six [member of] The Bad Guy gets stuck in a bar and doesn’t get out of there, but he probably leaves a little something behind. Once again, we are not experts in the path of that next adventure.”

Spider-Man: There is no room for home Now available to own on digital and 4K UHD.



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